back Višnja Blašković – Šubat

Dr Višnja Blašković-Šubat, DDS, PhD, Specialist in Dental and Oral Pathology with Periodontology

  • 1979. DDS, University of Rijeka, practice in a dental office
  • 1988. do 2002. teacher and scientific researcher at the University of Rijeka Dental School
  • 1989. Master's Degree in Dental medicine
  • 1990. Specialist in Dental and Oral Pathology with Periodontology
  • 1995. opened her private dental clinic
  • 1996. PhD in Dental medicine, Assistant Professor

Dr Blašković-Šubat has been pursuing continuous education and has published a number of scientific articles, which she presented at Croatian and international seminars. She is fluent in English and Italian and can understand German.
Dr.Višnja Blašković-Šubat has been educating permanently (Have a look at diplomas):

Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma Diploma

Članstva u:
- Croatian Chamber of Dental Medicine
- HED - Croatian Endodontic Society
- ESCD - European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry


Tijekom dugogodišnjeg rada educira se na brojnim seminarima, kongresima i radnim tečajevima od kojih ističemo:

  • "Moderna parodontologija" kod prof.dr.dr.h.c. Dierer E. Lange – Zagreb, 2001.
  • "The 10th Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology",Munchen, 2001. god
  • "Tečaj o primarnom zarastanju dentalnih implantata",Zagreb, 2002.god
  • Tečaj "Suvremena estetska stomatologija u primjeni", 2003. god
  • Tečaj u implantologiji "Evoluzione delle tecniche implantoprotesiche"Portorož, 2005.
  • Radni tečaj "Parodontalna kirurgija – prikaz operacije "Zagreb"
  • Dental and esthetic tretman by laser – Ljubljana,2007.
  • Correzione estetica del viso con l'uso dei filler come semplice strumento di completamento dell'opera dell'odontoiatra – Brugnera,Italija, 2007. god
  • 1.Međunarodni kongres novih tehnologija u stomatologiji :Cirkonij oksidna keramika,Zagreb, 2008.
  • Competence in Esthetics-Budapest 2009.
  • Galip Gürel: Aesthetic Excellence, Istanbul 26-27.11.2010.
  • Evropske zvijezde u vašoj ordinaciji,Zagreb,10-11.12.2010.
  • Anti – Aging Medicine World Congress & Medispa - Monte Carlo – Monaco, 24 – 26. Marzo 2011
  • Ceramic Works - therapeutical concept from A to Z, prof. dr. Alexander Gutowsky, Opatija. 24 - 25 June 2011


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